Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Baby College

On Monday we listened to a podcast on Geoffrey Canada. This podcast was very intriguing. Geoffrey is from Harlem, and he wanted to improve education. He thought continuously of finding a way to improve education. Finally Geoffrey found a way, but it took a long time. He compared families with high income to parents in Harlem with low income. Geoffrey analyzed the results and realized that education has a major part in to the negative and positive words children hear when they are infants. So he took that into account and saw a program that he could start in his hometown. Geoffrey came up with this program called Baby College to educate families on a proper way to ensure a healthy and well-rounded baby. The program changed a lot of parent choices on corporal punishment and in taking care of their child or children.

The program that Geoffrey created was very effective to me. I believe this is an effective program because it will change parent perspective of how to raise their child to ensure proper education and vocabulary. Also I believe this program is effective because many parents aren’t fit to be parents or they just need to be guided.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that involving parents is critical for helping change a child's future. Are you guys going to think of ways to teach parents about stress too or just focus on high schoolers? What are the different kinds of stresses people face at different ages? Do people need different ways to deal with different kinds of stress or not?
