Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Teen Expo Tonight!

We are excited to participate in the Gary Comer Youth Center's Teen Employment Showcase this evening (Wednesday, August 4). The Teen Expo is taking place tonight from 6:30 to 8:o0 in the Gary Comer Youth Center Cafe. Bennie, Iysha and Taniqua will be presenting about their experiences in SSP. The other teen groups at the center, including the Green Teens and Leaps and Bounds, will be sharing what they have been working on this summer.
We put together a PowerPoint presentation about what we have been doing during SSP. The teens have been practicing (and practicing, and practicing) their presentation this morning. It has been great for us to practice our presentation skills because we will be presenting again next week. It has been a lot of work, but our presentation is going to be quite polished by this evening.
We are excited to share our SSP experiences with the larger Gary Comer Youth Center community! Everyone is welcome to attend.


  1. The teens did a great job! The excitement of speaking in front of a lot of people was just the push they needed to do a fantastic job. The teens, teachers, and parents were really impressed.
    This bodes well for our final SSP presentations next week!
